
Avon Local Councils' Association


Domains Helper Service | UPDATE


Reaching the halfway point - a note on funding

In this financial year, almost 500 councils have claimed their funding, and this figure is increasing by about 80 -100 more each month. Our current projection suggests all funding will be allocated by February 2025. We can also now confirm that funding will not be available in future years.

This being the case, please do encourage your members to engage with us as soon as possible. We know decisions take time and we want to make sure that those with the ambition to move in this financial year don’t miss out. As a reminder, all funding is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.  

We will continue to keep you posted on the latest funding position across the next few months.

Looking ahead to the new financial year

At the moment, the Domains Helper Service provides comprehensive support to all councils moving over to a domain - there are virtual workshops and drop-in sessions as well as practical reference material. However, just like funding, this level of support will only be available in this financial year. We are still working on how the service will look in the future but wanted to let you know as soon as possible. For councils that need hands-on support, as well as funding, the time to engage really is now. 

We recently issued a blog covering both the funding position and future service model which summarises our current position. You’ll find this on the NALC website, please do signpost this to your members.

Help to explain the basics of domains

We know that not everyone finds explaining the ‘what and why’ of domains so easy, so we have created a short presentation with voice-over to introduce the subject. Running at about 4 minutes, it includes:

  • the top three reasons why councils should have a domain
  • the available support to help councils make the move
  • A call to action reminder about the finite nature of funding

It can be included as a link in an agenda or played at a meeting to introduce the topic of domains - we hope councils find it a valuable tool. We have included the link in our most recent blog on both SLCC and NALC websites (see above) but also attach it here for your information. Please do share with your members: About Domains

A big thank you to Kerrin Wilkinson at Gloucestershire ALC for this idea - we hope we’ve done it justice!

Changes to the Approved Registrar shortlist

Following a review of the shortlist of Approved Registrars, we have reduced the number from 35 to 20. Now, the only companies that appear, are those that have been working with councils via the Helper Service since it was launched in February. This means that councils have a much more focused list of Approved Registrars familiar with the Helper Service’s processes. Here’s the new shortlist for your information. 

A market response to the change in wholesale price of a domain

We note with interest that many of our shortlisted Approved Registrars are responding positively to the change in the wholesale cost of a domain and have started to pass savings to their customers. In their feedback, councils still tell us that cost is a big barrier so we are hoping the changes we are seeing will continue to make a difference. We encourage all councils to use the shortlist, shopping around to find the right Approved Registrar for their budget and service needs. There are savings to be made!

More continued improvement to virtual sessions

Thinking about costs, we are reviewing the way we explain those associated with a move to a domain during our virtual sessions. We hope to simplify our messaging so that attendees can more clearly understand the different options available to them. We are particularly keen to stress that there is absolutely no difference in cost for a email as there would be for any other professional email set-up.  

We know that many councils use free email providers such as Google or AOL, and it might be difficult to see past moving from this to a paid for service. However, with a professional set-up, administration and change are easier to manage; they are more secure and users won’t be bombarded with intrusive adverts and cookies. Even ‘free’ services come with a cost!

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