Bath & North East Somerset

Avon Local Councils' Association

Bath and North East Somerset ALCA Area Group



  • Richard Maccabee - (Batheaston PC) Chair
  • Dawn Drury – Vice Chairman (Compton Dando PC)
  • Josie Pownall – Area Rep (Timsbury PC) 
  • Jo Byrant - Stowey Sutton PC

The Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) ALCA Area Group meets 4 times a year prior to the Bath and North East Somerset Council Parish Liaison Meetings. The Area Group meetings are for the 50 member Local Councils and Parish Meetings to raise issues and questions to be addressed at the Parish Liaison Meetings, by Bath and North East Somerset Council.

The four representatives, elected by the ALCA Group, to sit on the Avon Regional Committee feed the more sector related issues up to the National Association of Local Council and also feed into sector specific consultations on behalf of the membership, to influence NALCs lobbying of government for policy change where needed.

The B&NES ALCA Area Group also separately elects representatives to sit on external bodies, such as the Mendips AONB, the Standards Committee and Parish Charter Working Group.

Bath & North East Somerset Area Group of the Avon Local Councils Association

BNES AG Minutes AGM 2023


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